When - 9th February 2010, 9am – 5pm
Where – Old Library, Colchester Town Hall, High Street, CO1 1FR
The cost of the course is £50 per person
(including lunch, tea/coffee, cold drinks).
The course is aimed at people in a Transition Initiative* to help them raise awareness and inspire others.

The training will cover;
• Peak Oil
• Climate Change
• The mechanics of Transition
• The inner transition
• Skills for good and effective public talks.
By the end of the training day, you'll be armed with a solid presentation that you can adopt to your own style, a set of facts and figures to underpin your talk, an understanding of some of the deeper aspects of transition, and a new level of confidence to deliver presentations with flair, authority and maybe a bit of humour too.
*A Transition Initiative is a community working together to respond to the challenges, and opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change - http://www.transitiontowns.org/.
The trainers are from the Transition Network, further details can be found on
To book a place please contact Sam Preston on samantha.preston@colchester.gov.uk or 01206 282707 Please note – all deposits must be received by 22nd January 2010.