Sustainable Bungay's autumn events start this Friday when you can join the regulars at our
monthly film night, then on Sunday you can pop along to our
Grow and Give produce swap in the library courtyard garden and pick up or drop off some surplus garden produce. While you're at the library you could nip upstairs to do a bit of
sewing before cycling out of town to meet the
Pig Club and help prepare for the first porkers.
On Monday 17th the Community Kitchen will be dishing up another of their amazing Happy Mondays - this month a Mexican Fiesta. After such a busy weekend we'll need a breather - but only until Satuday 22nd when the second 2012 Give and Take Day will be in full swing; bring things you no longer want or need - take home stuff you do. The day after Mark will be preparing Autumn Berry Tonics and Tinctures in the library.
Bungay's New Favourite Poet, Luke Wright, will be performing at the library on Friday 28th September - all part of the effort to ensure that the library we campaigned so hard to keep open stays open. And throughout September you could be taking part in the 30:30 Local Food Challenge... There are more details about all our events and activites, plus some of the things we're keen to support below and on our website - look out for our paper newsletter later this month too.
See you soon!
| Give and Take Day | 22nd Sept One of the most popular event in our calendar, Give and Take is a chance to give away stuff you don't need and pick up stuff you do. This time there will be stalls and workshops as well as refreshments from the Community Kitchen - clear out your cupboards! 10am - 1pm, Saturday 22nd September. Read more HERE | | Film Nights Return! | 14th Sept This coming Friday at Bacon's Barn we'll be showing a short film: Seeds of Freedom charts the story of seed from its roots at the heart of traditional, diversity rich farming systems across the world, to being transformed into a powerful commodity, used to monopolise the global food system. Read more HERE | | Grow and Give | 16th Sept We are holding another autumn produce exchange at the Library Courtyard on Sunday 16th September, 11am to 1pm. There is an annual sister event in the Spring: Give and Grow. Both occasions encourage use of the permanent swap area in the courtyard for free exchange of anything garden-related. Read more HERE
| | Sewing Sunday | 16th Sept Sewing Sunday is on this Sunday 16th September 3pm at Bungay Library. A friendly group, we chat and sew and share tips and would love to learn any new skills: crochet, rag rugs, knitting, patchwork, revamping old clothes... if you have some skills to show, or just want to lear the basics with us Sewing Sunday is for you!. Read more HERE | | Pig Club | 16th Sept On Sunday 16th (1.30 - 5.30pm) pig fencing is going up at Lodge Farm, Ilketshall st. Lawrence in readiness for our first pigs. Please feel free to come and help, find out about the pig club and, if you like, join up. So far 9 people have commited to a £50 share in a pig - including a share in pig care, but there's room for a few more... Read more HERE | | Happy Monday | 17th Sept Using local ingredients and guided by Mark and Charlotte, who lived in central America for some years, this month's community meal will have a Mexican inspired menu (but no mariachi band I'm afraid...). The pudding is as unexpected as it is delicious - but you'll have to join us on the 17th to find out why! Read more and book your place HERE | | Plants for Life | 23rd Sept Autumn Berry Tonics and Tinctures: We'll look at 3 native plants - hawthorn, elder and sea buckthorn all of which provide berries as medicine and food - and demonstrate how to make berry tinctures. Everyone welcome regardless of experience - and if you do have some herbal tips to share do come along and join in! Read more HERE | | Saving Bungay Library! |28th Sept Last year we worked hard to help keep Bungay Library open - this year we need to work hard to ensure it stays that way. On Friday 28th September at 7:30pm the excellent Luke Wright will perform a selection of his funny, moving and at times scurrilous poems in aid of Bungay Community Library. Read more and find out how to buy tickets HERE | | 30:30 Local Food Challenge | Sept Transition Ipswich, working with Transition Woodbridge, have been gearing up to organise a 30-Mile Local Food Challenge this September. They're now in the thick of it with challenge participants only eating only food that has been produced and processed within a 30 mile radius of their homes. Read more HERE | | Transition Conference | 14th Sept This year quite a few from Sustainable Bungay are attending the Transition Network conference in London. The conference aims to provide a weekend of events and workshops that explore the theme of Building Resilience in Extraordinary Times; there are still a few tickets available. Read about the conference on the Transition Network site HERE | |