There is big sustainable thinking behind every dish at Happy Mondays.
All the key Transition subjects, including peak oil and the gift
economy, are on the table among the neighbourhood flowers. Even though
our dishes are often global (Greek, Moroccan, Indian), nearly all the
ingredients are locally-sourced and seasonal. We are
deliberately vegetarian to show how meals do not have to rely on
resource-heavy meat or fish to be delicious and nutritious.
We are also organic where possible. Why? Because the pesticides used on most conventional crops are harmful to the soil, our bodies, wildlife and especially to bees.
We are also organic where possible. Why? Because the pesticides used on most conventional crops are harmful to the soil, our bodies, wildlife and especially to bees.

Happy Mondays next meal is on 19th November (bookings now open). We are having our Winter Solstice and Christmas Party on 21st December at the Community Centre (all welcome). Donation. Please bring festive food and drink! A new SB Well-being, Art and Culture group is starting up in 2013. Do join us for a discussion about Well-being and the Conmmunity at our Green Drinks on 9th January.