We are piloting the 2 day LAUNCH transition training as an evening class at the Apricot centre in Manningtree Essex starting on April 17th 2012 (You can find full details of the coming series here).
This course is normally run on a weekend as a very intensive 9-5 course. I know after delivering one of these courses I feel pretty exhausted and I am sure most of the participants go away very happy but also exhausted, and especially if you have a job or children this weekend format can be inaccessible.
In the transition training pool we are thinking about widening access to the growing range of courses available, so running the introduction course to transition as an evening class seemed like an easy step. The course will run on Tuesday evenings 7 pm till 9.30, for 6 weeks. We will cover; the outer context for transition, peak oil and climate change, how to raise awareness and engage with different sections of society, how to run an open space meeting, the inner transition, and some inner work exercises, visioning a positive future, where transition is going in the future, how to initiate groups or if most people are in them already we explore group dynamics. And more !
The teaching techniques are interactive and creative and fun. And as a group we also learn a huge amount from each other and what we

The course is intended for people starting out in Transition but there is a huge amount of tools techniques and information in the course for those not only starting out but wanting to broaden and deepen their understanding on transition. For those further along the road a new course called Transition THRIVE is being piloted currently.
If you are interested the details are on the Apricot Centre for Sustainable Living website and Transition network website
Marina O’Connell is a part of the Transition training pool and based at the Apricot centre in Manningtree Essex.