Tuesday, 31 January 2012
East Anglian Food Co-ops Conference - 6 February
The Food Co-ops & Buying Groups project presents its 2nd and last East Anglian conference:
Linking up food co-ops, buying groups, allotment plotholders, community gardens, urban scrumpers and small producers on February 6th 10am - 4pm at Sproughton Tithe Barn near Ipswich, Suffolk www.sproughtontithebarn.org.uk
There will be presentations & Workshops from: Abundance London & Leeds - Harvesting & distributing fruit that would otherwise be left to rot; Maria Iacovou of Wivenhoe buying group - Troubleshooting & diversifying session for wholefood buying groups; Eloise Dey - London’s Capital Growth project supporting community gardens to sell surplus; Meet the Local Foods Suffolk team; Rebecca Tully - Organiclea workers' co-op's Cropshare stall selling; allotmentholders’ surplus in Walthamstow, Metfield Chicken Co-op & Suffolk’s Pig Clubs.
Plus opportunities for networking with local groups and action planning to help set up or improve your community food project.
Delicious lunch of local seasonal produce.
This is a FREE event but booking is essential
Contact: gemma@sustainweb.org or 07971 863 586
More information and a toolkit showing how to get started is available at www.foodcoops.org
Monday, 2 January 2012
BUNGAY: Plant Medicine Bed 2012, plus Talks, Walks and Workshops beginning Sunday 15th January

So in addition to the flowerbed as a display for all kinds of wild weeds and healing herbs, there will be a series of vibrant plants for life talks, walks, conversations and practical workshops with fellow ‘plant people’, taking place monthly throughout the year in the library and around the town. They will follow the seasons and are open to anyone who wants to deepen their connection with and knowledge of plants.
We start on 15 January with a creative look at Medicine Roots with SB’s Charlotte Du Cann (author of the forthcoming 52 Flowers That Shook My World). On 19 February, in conversation with David Wrenn of Orchard End Organics, we’ll focus on practical tips for planting and growing herbs. And on 18 March Medical herbalist, Dan Wheals (Transition Ipswich) will introduce Adopt a Herb (part of the Norfolk and Norwich festival), and show us how to find out about one chosen plant and explore the different stories that emerge. We look forward to seeing you there!
Where: Bungay Library
When: Sundays 19 February, 18 March at 3PM
Look out in the Spring and Summer for the Spring Tonic plant walk, making teas and tinctures and the Midsummer walk and wild plant oils workshop.
For all enquiries contact Mark Watson: 01502 722419 or markintransition@hotmail.co.uk or check this website where I’ll be posting regular announcements and write-ups for both the plant medicine bed and the events.
Bungay Library Community Garden was inspired by permaculture and transition principles and designed and constructed by members of SB’s library courtyard working party. It blossomed and burgeoned throughout 2011 thanks to the attention of many people, in particular Richard Vinton, who keeps a daily eye on the plants and trees (and the watering can, trowel and compost close by). Do pay us a visit during regular library times. The plants will love the company and you’re sure to love theirs!
Photo: Talking plants and bees at the Library Community Garden, Bungay Beehive Day, July 2011